The use of anti-abrasive fabric by 3 experts!

photo of tibial orthosis
Do you know this innovative ultra-resistant fabric, generally used in technical clothing? 
Made of many fibers, the anti-abrasive lycra is compatible for multiple uses such as coating, lining, or the realization of custom-made sleeves.

3 experts tell us about their use:

"I use the anti-abrasive fabric in several ways: to make custom tibial prosthesis sleeves, as a cover fabric for silicone fittings, or to embed in resin. It is more resistant to friction and rubbing." Julien Bavant, Dupont Orthopedics.


photo of orthopedic arm brace


"We use it for interior and exterior finishes on prostheses such as silicone sleeves that we custom make, or when there are areas of friction. On a soft socket liner, we know that the fabric is going to be subjected to abrasion so that's the one we use the most. In my opinion, it is the strongest fabric, it frays less and holds up better to sewing, even if it is a little harder to sew. Plus, the printing is better because of its many fibers." Baptiste Pariat, Ortho Access.

photo of orthopedic brace

"We used it for the first time on a pediatric corset. We didn't know about this fabric before. The patient was a hypotonic child, who needed a rigid corset with leather. The family didn't like the leather aspect and thought it looked a bit "old fashioned" for a child. So we used this lining on the advice of U-exist to customize the brace." Karl Rustad, Lagarrigue Orthopedics.

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